Katonah Yoga.
KATONAH YOGA® is a Hatha-inspired style of yoga practice that integrates various ancient wisdom philosophies. The Katonah practice was developed by Nevine Michaan in Katonah, New York, who in 1986 founded the Katonah Yoga Center. Michaan’s unique approach to yoga is a harmonious blend of classical Hatha yoga integrated with Chinese Taoist theory, sacred geometry, mythology, metaphor, magic and imagination — in a practical framework designed to facilitate personal and communal well-being.
Katonah challenges the 'first nature,' which refers to our unconscious habitual patterns that may not serve us fully or may result from a life practiced on 'autopilot‘. Through challenging and identifying the patterns of our “first nature” we can access and embody a “second nature,” defined as the functional habits that we can develop by learning (reading, getting dressed, manners, etc) & practicing, that through repetition and work, become effortless. This principle frees us to live and act consciously. Following true to this principle; Katonah embodies transformation through effort, exploration and challenge. The intention is not to arrive at the mat and repeat what we already can do - it is intended to cultivate new patterns; patterns that serve us better.
New York Katonah yoga trained teacher, Abbie Galvin, compares the practice to: “a wave hitting a rock over and over and eventually transforming the structure and nature of the rock.”
Katonah yoga is a refreshing and lively take on traditional yoga practices. While many of the foundational poses may be familiar to a Hatha practice, the corner stone of katonah is the unique workshop style of teaching which incorporates plenty of props, verbal instruction, and hands-on adjustments from your teacher. Adjustments provide a glimpse of the trajectory of the practice, thus providing opportunity for insight and evolution of the student.
Your Private Session
Experience the transformative power of Katonah Yoga® in a private, 1-on-1 session with our experienced teacher, Tira Mills. Each session is tailored to your unique needs and goals, offering thorough exploration of Katonah & TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) theories, precise posture breakdowns, breathwork and therapeutic adjustments. Tira combines her expertise in yoga and the principles of Chinese Medicine to create a safe and supportive environment for you to deepen your practice and align both body and mind.
Fully customized sessions promote immense growth by facilitating a practice that best suits you by identifying and moving through personal blocks of all natures. The practice starts with creating space in the physical body, which lends itself to creating space mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Tira’s personalized approach ensures you leave each session feeling balanced, empowered, and renewed. Perfect for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, this private offering allows you to move at your own pace and fully engage in your journey towards living a more informed and formative life.
Wear comfortable, flexible clothing. All other props (including yoga mat) will be provided. If you prefer to bring your own mat, please feel free to do so.
Katonah yoga is a safe and accessible practice for most individuals. Though it is often considered a more challenging style than some gentle yoga practices, Tira, our experienced teacher, ensures that each session is tailored to your unique body and needs, offering modifications and therapeutic adjustments to support a safe and comfortable experience.
However, like any physical activity, it's essential to listen to your body and communicate openly with your teacher. If you experience discomfort or have any injuries or limitations, let Tira know before and during the session. Interpreting your body’s sensations helps prevent injury and ensures the practice supports your overall well-being. Remember, yoga is a journey of self-discovery— and new patterns take both dedicated time & effort so it is important that you are challenging yourself at a sustainable rate which prevents injury and allows you to apply consistent effort over time.
In a private session, you will first begin by reviewing any goals or limitations you may have. Tira will then guide you through Katonah Yoga® theory, break down key postures to suit your body’s structure, and provide therapeutic adjustments to enhance alignment and comfort. Tira will use both yoga props as well as her own body to help support and adjust you through the postures. You’ll also explore breathing techniques and holistic tools for a balanced practice and life.
Not at all! Private sessions are ideal for all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Tira tailors each session to your experience, needs, and goals, ensuring a supportive and enriching experience.
We currently offer 60 minute sessions.
Our rates
1-on-1 Katonah Yoga Private Sesion
In-person only - A private session will include Katonah Yoga® theory, posture breakdowns, and therapeutic adjustments.
60 mins | $130 | Book Now
Direct Billing
Direct Billing is not available for Katonah Yoga Sessions.